Monday, August 20, 2012

A Season In Flight


"V" formations 
have begun,

late August 
warning flights.

is it a practice run? 

could be the 
real deal.  it's 
often so: 

Great Lakes' late 
summers are 
tricks of mind, 

down and woolen 
closet doors cracked 
open ever so 

Photo © Arthur Morris

Poem © 2012 R. Burnett Baker
Arthur Morris photo from Google search. (True color altered) 


  1. I love how the woolens are peeping through the closet door in anticipation...lovely...

  2. It'll be January before I have the downs & woolens out here in Texas, but oh, how I look forward to it. (If I keep the air conditioner on & the fan running I can put the down comforter on the bed earlier that Jan.!)
    We had a "norther" come through on Sunday & this morning was delightful... dry air & temperatures in the 60s - maybe tomorrow too!

  3. dude! i saw v's crossing lake ontario right across from you just a week and a half ago . . . i was wondering . . . is this it . . . do they know something i don't want to know? steven

  4. Ah yes, the birds know how to live in peace...if only we could catch a few of their good habits! Nice poem, thanks!
