Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Remember The Season

Remember the Season

Comes a day when we all remember moments, events, or people who have passed.  This is one of those seasons for me.  A decade has nearly passed since one of my dearest friends left only echoes of his laughter and snapshot memories of his face for those who cherished him. 

Upon the first anniversary of his passing, I wondered how it would feel after 10 years had gone by and what I would be doing and thinking.  And so here I am.  As we all know, time sometimes heals and sometimes it just numbs the pain.  But most of us adapt and live our lives.  

We never forget, however, and we never should.  I remember the laughter.  I remember the voice.  I remember the years of friendship.  And I remember the season.  Early summer.  Thank God it was early summer.  At least the sunshine, blue skies, and warmth would soften the blow for me.  I can walk into the open air and feel the sun's warmth and remember the warmth of a life that was and is a reflection of my favorite season of summer.  There was loss, but there is always hope.  

I can remember the season.  Always summer. 

Rick Baker 
Rochester, NY 
May 27, 2009 


defies life 
and steals hope 
from dreams of living 
in a world where dreams 
offer hope for living 
in a world where 
life defies 

Poem  © 1987 by R. Burnett Baker


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