Monday, February 6, 2012

Magpie Tales 103: Hands And Legacy

A grave in the Novodevichy Cemetery, Moscow


I was the last one standing 
in the driveway to wave goodbye. 
visitors come then leave 
and it is our custom and 
good manner to wave as the 
visit ends.  remember to 
look back, look to your right, 
or to the left if you turn in a 
different direction, but look. 
remember my face, even if 
all you can see 
is my arm outstretched, 
my salutation, 
my hand open
to fading daylight 
and coming 

Poem © 2012 R. Burnett Baker 
Photo courtesy Tess Kincaid 


  1. love the voice you use in this...makes me think of a wise grandfather...

  2. Oh this is lovely...I walk my guests to the car and wave as they leave...

  3. gorgeous
    just beautiful
    a favorite

  4. Beautiful sentiment. It is my custom also to stand & wave goodbye... to show that I care & am happy for the visit.

  5. Isn't it strange how the wave of your hand can mean so many things depending on the angle, the speed and even your facial expression?

  6. It's the little details we often forget.......

    Really like this!

    The Collage Pirate
