Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Magpie Tales Photo Prompt 44: Slay The Beast


against a wall
a crossbow, 
I thought.

from a
hilltop trigger
I'll pierce
the heart 
of winter,

slay the 
beast of 

Poem © 2010 by R. Burnett Baker 
Photo courtesy of "Willow" at Magpie Tales 


  1. Nice perspective piece. I never thought of it this way...

  2. That's an interesting idea. I'm still reflecting on it's possible meanings though.

  3. i remember wayyyy back rick when willow bought this little beast. i wondered when and how it would surface. here 'tis, graced by your writing!! steven

  4. I love the power and beauty here. Do I say every time, "this one's my favorite"? Well, it is.

  5. Margaret...Thank you!

    KMShear...I first thought of it as a sled, but then my twisted little mind kicked in!

    Fickle...I'm discovering a couple of new meanings myself, but nothing that's sinister or evil!!

    Steven...Thanks again for your uplifting words...As I mentioned at your place, your latest photos/poem are really stunning.

    Tess...I actually surprised myself on this prompt. Ya know, it's really you who gives us all that little inspirational nudge with these photos!


  6. 'the beast of white' ... mighty powerful image. Wonderful Magpie!

  7. Rick,

    The crossbow fits, for sure. And I like that you pierce winter's heart. That's potent.


  8. I do love acts of wordplay committed in the dark. Sparse and inventive.

  9. I'll pierce the heart of winter-lovely line. The beast of white it hasn't been here at my place yet, but the beast of cold is giving me really hard time. I like this post, very much!

  10. Hello, how are you?

    you are invited to join our potluck week 14 at Jingle Poetry :

    Write a poem fitting our week 14 theme (Hobbies, Pastimes, and Entertainment), post it on your own blog, and link in to our potluck after Sunday, 8pm American central time, you are also allowed to link in at most 3 old poems or poems unrelated to our theme. FREE STYLE Commenting!

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  11. I like the different spin you have given this Rick. Not being all that familiar with sleds I initially thought it was some sort of crossbow thingy... thanks for the clarification :)

  12. powerful.
    well done.

  13. Powerful, interesting... and shot like an arrow from the hill, gliding the whiteness to its simple target awaiting.
