Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Thought Before Sleeping: Next Night

from all that came before 

I've felt your vision rise into my throat 
and doused the flame of memory tenfold.

in forests brown and green I've fragranced rotting leaves 
touched velvet moss and known creature-stirrings
that startle silence. 

I've walked alone, I've walked with others,
but never have I stood beneath the shadow 
of the tallest tree or softest fern

without songs of nature's movements 
serenading me with canopy leaves 
and solitude's whisper.  

I've watched your vision 
rise into my throat, rain-stung eyes 

searching the forest 

Poem © 2011 R. Burnett Baker 

1 comment:

  1. My dear Rick, you certainly have deep and disturbing thoughts before sleep. Is your slumber interrupted with thought? I do hope you sleep well. Tomorrow may your thought be whimsical!
