Sunday, September 29, 2013

Magpie Tales 188: Once We Gathered....

where once we all gathered 

where once we all gathered, others do.
the path is continuity, every voice, change.

shadows are recall, a blur of faces, too. 
do you remember the cadence of laughter? 

can you step jolly over jagged paths?  future
has no mind to desire;  wind will turn leaves,

rain will dampen every ground, its water
falling torrid as the bitter past. 

Poem © 2013 Rick Burnett Baker
Photo shared by Tess Kincaid


  1. Beautiful and thought provoking, Rick...

  2. This image needs a cadence or two of laughter to brighten it, that's for sure. Lovely, if melancholic, Mag poem...

  3. love the last two lines-
    rain will dampen every ground, its water
    falling torrid as the bitter past.

  4. "do you remember the cadence of laughter...." carries a superb despair. Brava!

  5. I love the feel of this poem... it matches the scene, yet brings beauty to it through laughter and memories.

  6. "shadows are recall" - love this. All words thought provoking.
    Anna :o]

  7. Much of my past is bittersweet in remembrance, with a heavy emphasis upon the bitter. Very well done!

  8. One can feel all the echoes in this..lovely!

  9. do you remember the cadence of laughter..painful longing for the sound..
